On an island of one raised by wolves there are no sexed bodies

Rachel Saunders
5 min readJun 24, 2024
Photo by patrice schoefolt: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-a-pack-of-wolves-in-a-forest-20407395/

If you are abandoned at birth on an island then raised by wolves you will have no conception of your sex or the labels society applies to your sexed body. Your biology will be whatever your chromosomes and hormones gestated in the womb, yet without the social construction of sex you are conceptually unaware of what we societally understand to be sex or gender because you have not been exposed to that framing. This is the fundamental difference between biology and the social construction of sex, as without the socio-linguistic tools to frame semantic understanding your body is essentially the normative framing of the human condition on this island of one. Here in lies the paradox of rooting any conception of self in pure biology, as it relies on broader societal conceptions and semantics to frame all bodies within a normative understanding. Without comparison and sex-based frameworks it is impossible to conceive of what sex actually is and what power dynamics have been systematically constructed to corral and control certain bodies.

You may then ask that you as a thinking being seeing different wolves raising cubs, having sex, living diamorphic lives if there are in fact two sexes. Without the linguistic and semantic tools this would be an interesting experience as you only have the mode of thinking obtained through your wolf upbringing…

