Mass Effect and me
Contains Mass Effect Trilogy Spoilers
The release of the Mass Effect Legendary edition marks a personal milestone for me, another chance to do a deep dive into a game series that left a profound mark. Each of the three games resonated in ways that games rarely do, with some scenes, such as ones with Mordin and Legion, leaving me bereft. This is a personal piece about my relationship with the trilogy, exploring how the games left their wonderful traces in my soul. A love letter if you like.
To talk about Mass Effect is akin to always bringing the hyperbole. In many respects they are hum drum science fiction riffing on so many tropes as to play buzz word bingo with. Yet… yet, for me the trilogy transcends all of that. My Commander Shepherd was a paragon biotic who fought to the last breath to defend her friends and civilization. Her journey from N7 to spectre to the Shepherd traces through romance, friendship, hard decisions, and devastating loss. Yes the gun play was fun, by my goodness was Jennifer Hale the mistress of my speakers every time Shep spoke.
There are times during the games when you can stand and stare in awe at the scenery, such as on the Moon or a dust storm on Mars. Other times it is frenetically racing through a Geth ship and escaping certain doom. Each moment flows into the other, allowing the collective whole to zip like a movie, while having the homely touch of an RPG. Damnit, these are my stories to tell, spun through over 150 hours of game play. It was never enough, for repeats and retries were as critical as getting it “right” the first time.
Then there are the friends you made along the way. Not lying, Liara is bae, and Blue certain pulled on the heart strings every time I sat down at the keyboard. Samantha Trainer just somehow pips her, though, toothbrush and all, and the chess match and shower scene just about sums everything right about ME: 3. Garus, Wrex, Mordin, and James all have their parts in my journey, and things like Jame’s Lola just added icing on the cake. My fervent desire to keep Tali and Legion alive sparked a replay of ME: 2 and ME: 3 with all the right boxes ticked, as I could not face Tali falling backwards off that cliff again. 50 hours added game time well worth it.
Shepherd vas Normandy did her duty, and in doing so made me a diehard fan of the franchise. Yes, every game has its faults, and I am sure replaying the trilogy those niggles will come back, but ultimately it is the bounding story telling and meta-plot unravelling around me that keeps me coming back. Few games get a second run through from me, as I generally move on to something new, yet this will be my fifth time with the trilogy. Rookie numbers for some, but high for me. This is my deepest praise for a game, that itch to rejoin old friends, fall in “love” all over again, and have my heart broken once more by seashells on the shore.
Like all precious things it is hard to convey just how much the Mass Effect trilogy means to me. I am by no means the most fanatical or passionate franchise follower, yet the games have an indelible mark on my soul. Shepherd my Shepherd, here’s to hearing your voice once again, and travelling through the mass effect gates to adventures old and new. This is Rejserin, and Mass Effect is my favourite game series on the PC.