Heavy lies the crown that strips away trans rights

Rachel Saunders
4 min readJun 5, 2024
Photo by Kerigan: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-close-up-shot-of-a-chess-piece-9726970/

In a year of elections where the far right is dominating US, European, and Indian narratives trans rights are ever sharper in focus. Like insipid mould creeping over all politics right wing talking points have managed to co-opt feminism into believing that the greatest evil done to women was to allow trans women to live and exist as women in society. The slight of hand required to ignore abortion bans, stripping away of social security rights, lack of equal pay for all women in all professions, and the myriad of other urgent and pressing concerns has been the greatest con job of the 21st Century. Granted, Janice Raymond and other feminist patsies fired the starting gun in the 1970s, but the anti-trans, anti-women grift is being pushed to hide the fact the right is coming for all women.

I am not the only one seeing this. All trans inclusive women point to the abuses of power the right has inflicted on women’s bodies, women’s children, and women’s society broadly. Rape goes unpunished because women as not believed; women are sentenced to harsh jail terms when they kill abusive partners; women are denied basic dignity over their own bodies because their autonomy is stripped back to becoming a walking incubator for their child. Female sexual predation is ignored and waved away in the single sex debate, with exclusionary feminists explicitly stating that the few…

