Member-only story
Deconstructing gender critical ideology
This article is based on the insightful video by Arno Michaelis (@arnomichaelisIV) in which he breaks down neo-Nazi methods and processes. This is based on my perception of the gender critical movement, especially the radical members who go online to bully and harass anyone who disagree with their beliefs. They do a lot of harm to innocent people, especially in the reduction of womanhood to hearth, home, and womb. They need to account for this harm and ask themselves why the dedicate so much of their time berating and harming trans people who wish to just get on with their lives.
What attracts gender critics to the movement is the hero story, namely that they think they are the defenders of womanhood which is being stormed by a hairy horde of men in dresses. The myth of gender critical ideology goes back to the bible, to the assumption that there is a strict hierarchy between men and women, and that women are inferior to men. Thus, any attempt by a man to become a woman is an inversion of this “natural order”, an invasion seeking to further control and dominate women’s sacred spaces such as restrooms and sports.
The modern gender critical myths trace their roots back to the Nazi reaction against Magnus Hirschfeld, which was amplified by the Catholic church post-World War Two as it grappled with second wave feminism. Gender critics see themselves as…